Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blanket Boy

Cameron has a new trick this week. He's obsessed with putting things over his head/on his face. Now he's always had quite an attachment to his cotton burp cloths & likes to hold soft things in his hands, but he's taken this to the next level. He has now decided that bottles are better with the whole burp cloth covering your face. He disappears underneath his blanket until he's done eating--it's the funniest thing.

He also has started pulling the blankets in his crib up over his head throughout the night. Okay, I know this sounds dangerous & I've been obsessing about it but there's not a whole lot I can do to make him stop. There's definitely not a section in my "What to Expect" books that addresses a blanket on your face obsession!! I've got the blankets tucked in as securely as I can get them but he still manages to wriggle them free. Tim assures me that he won't suffocate--Tim them demonstrates the breathability of the cotton blanket by putting it over his head like a ski mask & assuring me he can still breathe!! I definitely need a picture of this. I think I've figured out where Cameron gets this new trick. As I was getting up last night for the 100th time to check on Cameron, I looked over at Tim while he was sleeping and he had the covers over his head also! I give up.

Cameron is also practicing rolling over all the time. The problem is that once he rolls from his back to his stomach he can't figure out how to get back over. This becomes frustrating to him & he starts to raise a ruckus. He looks at you like--how did I get here??

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Four Months Old--Bring on the Real Food!!

Cameron had his four month doctor's appointment yesterday. It went pretty smoothly despite the shots. He's a little trooper. He weighed 14 lbs. 13 ounces & measured 25 3/4 inches long. He is in the 75th percentile for height and 50th percentile for weight. Dr. Eldridge gave us the go ahead to start eating rice cereal. These pictures are of his first encounter with solid food. He wasn't that impressed with the cereal. He would rather chew on his fingers or the apple toy in his hands. This is his first high chair experience also. He seemed to enjoy sitting up straight so he could get a better view of what was going on. I think more cereal dribbled down his face than actually made it to his mouth. Check out the video of some of his first bites.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Catching up--the last 3 months

Happy Birthday, Cameron.

Tim & I were blessed with a beautiful baby boy born Memorial Day weekend. Cameron Walker arrived on May 23rd at 5:08 p.m.. He weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. & was 20 1/2 inches long. He was delivered via Caesarean section by Dr. Rohrer at Women's East after 17 hours of labor!! Grandparents were all there eagerly awaiting his arrival. Now it all seems like a dream but seeing him for the first time was truly amazing.

Height & Weight Stats

1 month checkup--Weight 9 lbs. 14 oz. 21 1/4 inches long
2 month checkup--Weight 12 lbs. 14 oz. 23 1/4 inches long
**He likes to eat every two hours & sleeping for long periods of time is for the weak!!**

Cute things he did--baby bird face, snorting, covering his face w/his hands, he loves taking a bath, & prefers to sleep/nap on left side of chest to hear your heartbeat . He laughs out loud & it sounds like "eekk" or something resembling the velosaraptor screech out of the Jurassic Park movies. He also does this hilarious thing with his tongue that resembles a lizard--he sticks his tongue out constantly.

Cameron has been to his first birthday party, taken his first boat ride, & even slept overnight on the boat with mom & dad when he was 6 weeks old. Cameron is a happy baby who acts like he's trying to talk to you all the time. Sometimes it sounds like he's saying "hey" when he's babbling to you. He also has this "fake cough" he uses when he thinks you're not paying attention to him.

One of our first big milestones was reached on September 11th--he rolled over for the first time while entertaining himself on his playgym. He can roll from him back to his stomach but hasn't figured out how to get back over again.

Baby Blogging

Well, I've decided to give this blogging thing a try. I've not been successful at keeping up with or even starting Cameron's baby book & scrapbooking is totally out of the question. So, I think this is more realistic for me to manage & let everybody see Cameron's progression at the same time. It's amazing how much he's changed in four short months. I want to be able to remember, cherish, & document all the cute/amazing things he does. This is going to be Cameron's baby book for the 21st century!!