Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Coolidge Park Carousel

We had a family outing on Sunday to ride the carousel at Coolidge Park. We stopped first by Las Margaritas for lunch. Cameron LOVES chips & salsa. He also loves being outside & people watching so Coolidge Park on a Sunday afternoon was great for him. Tim & I got on the carousel with him & were surprised with how fast it goes. Tim could barely hold Cameron on the moving fish we picked for him to ride. The video is funny because it shows Cameron kicking his legs & Tim trying to keep him on the ride. You can hear me laughing in the background while I was filming them. Next time we'll make sure & put Cameron on an animal that doesn't move until he gets a little bigger.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

"Just A Swingin"

Cameron has a new favorite hangout--the playground. We've been going to Vandergriff Park close to Hixson United Methodist Church to swing. He loves it. First of all he loves being outside period. Plus at the playground he has all these kids to watch. I'm afraid the poor boy is going to get whiplash turning his head back & forth while we're there trying to see everybody.

Of course he also loves all the attention he gets. He laughs & screeches at everyone & of course they stop to say hello--you can't resist him. The funny part is after about 20 minutes he gets so sleepy he can't keep his eyes open. He looks like a little robot shutting down as those eyes start to close & he drops his head to his chest--he's out like a light. The second picture is of him when we got home from the playground--he's doing one of those open-mouth breathing sessions.

A Not so Happy Halloween

Cameron didn't get to enjoy his first Halloween. His new sock monkey costume is still hanging in his closet. He had been out of sorts for two days--lots of crying which is just not like him. Cameron is usually an extremely happy baby--laughing, smiling, giggling unless he's hungry. I called the doctor on Friday when he started running a temperature. They thought he was just teething & told me to give him some Tylenol. My gut told me to go ahead & take him to the doctor anyway that something just wasn't right. Surely babies didn't cry like this for just teething. You better believe next time I'll follow my "mom' instinct. After a sleepless night, Tim & I took him to the doctor Saturday morning. Dr. May sent us staight to Children's Hospital as a direct admit. Cameron had a burst eardrum, the other ear was infected, & his white blood cell count was 31 and it should have been around 10!! Needless to say, Tim & I were worried but everything turned out okay. It ended up that he had the beginning stages of pneumonia. The nurses at Children's were great & Cameron got some big doses of antibiotics & got to go home on Sunday.

It's definitely not easy entertaining a sick 5 month old in a tiny hospital room--thanks Nana for the reinforcements. They put a heart rate sensor on his big toe which made it glow bright red. It looked like an E.T. toe. Now to a young boy who is fascinated with his feet at the moment, this sensor was hard to resist. We're glad to be home & hope we don't have to go back to the hospital for a LONG time.

I had to take some pictures of him with the hat of his sock monkey costume anyway. He's fascinated at the moment with leaves but I promise none actually made it into his mouth while we were taking these pictures.