Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Coolidge Park Carousel

We had a family outing on Sunday to ride the carousel at Coolidge Park. We stopped first by Las Margaritas for lunch. Cameron LOVES chips & salsa. He also loves being outside & people watching so Coolidge Park on a Sunday afternoon was great for him. Tim & I got on the carousel with him & were surprised with how fast it goes. Tim could barely hold Cameron on the moving fish we picked for him to ride. The video is funny because it shows Cameron kicking his legs & Tim trying to keep him on the ride. You can hear me laughing in the background while I was filming them. Next time we'll make sure & put Cameron on an animal that doesn't move until he gets a little bigger.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Oh my, I love all the new posts...however, I wasn't expecting to see the one about the trip to the hospital! I'm glad he's ok and it wasn't more serious. He's adorable in that sock monkey costume! Too cute! Hope to get to see you sometime soon before he's grown! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!